March 23, 2020 Keep These Support Initiatives in Mind During COVID-19Here are some news bits about companies and people currently providing good will and financial relief in these unprecedented Coronavirus times. READ MORE Features, Health & Wellness, Money, Tips & Advice
March 17, 2020 #AB2389 Has Been Amended, Not FixedThough #AB2389 has been revised, industry activists maintain that it is still, put simply, a total mess.READ MORE Features
March 16, 2020 COVID-19 Related Event Cancellations, PostponementsSocial distancing is impacting everyone -- including those already leading an online work life.READ MORE Features, Health & Wellness, Tips & Advice
March 12, 2020 Older Women’s Bodies are Policed Everywhere, Including On CamBe it positive, negative or something in between, viewers feeling feelings about women based on their ages is complex -- and it has an impact online. READ MORE Features, Health & Wellness, Tips & Advice
March 11, 2020 Vermont Is Trying to Decriminalize Prostitution — Can It Work?The (stated) ultimate goal of decriminalization is to allow sex work to be "above ground" and better regulated -- can it work?READ MORE Features
March 4, 2020 2020’s Shop Safe Act Hopes to Cut Down on e-Commerce FakesThe bipartisan (!!) Shop Safe Act would make e-commerce platforms liable for counterfeit goods.READ MORE Features, Money, Tips & Advice
March 2, 2020 Utah Just Passed a Bill Requiring Warning Labels on PornUtah is not our friend, and they've demonstrated that once again with the passage of HB243. READ MORE Features
February 26, 2020 Low/No Cost Ways to Treat Yourself on your BirthdayIt's your birthday, let retailers treat YOU! With a bit of planning, you'll have more treats than you can probably handle.READ MORE Features, Health & Wellness, Money, Tips & Advice
February 25, 2020 YNOT Cam Awards Return to Hollywood for 2020 ShowThe 2020 YNOT Cam Awards are coming!READ MORE Features
February 24, 2020 Facebook Owns Scape’s ‘Computer Vision Technology’Facebook -- notorious for privacy *issues* -- recently acquired Scape, an 'AI Positioning Service.' READ MORE Features, Mastering Social Media, Tips & Advice