Not all of us can commit to camming as a full-time gig.
Maybe you’re looking to make extra cash while working on longer-term pursuits, like school. Or, maybe you have a career path that’s already unfolding, but you need to supplement at different stages or for different needs — think needing to make that car payment while you’re at the beginning stages of whatever you just went to school for. It might also be that your current job blows, and you’re looking to make ends meet while finding your bigger purpose (or at least a better job).
A lot of advice out there seems to focus on “treating cam like a job,” with said job being “full time” being heavily implied. But for whatever the reason, if camming full-time is not currently on the table for you, moonlighting as a cam model can still be fairly lucrative.
Here are some tips and things to think about as you work on being a successful part-time cam model.
1. Commit to it
Part-time doesn’t mean half-ass. This is a real job, so put your hours in. Just because the number of hours is fewer than full-time doesn’t mean that said hours should be approached in a different way.
Building a clientele, working on your stage presence and figuring out your niche takes time and effort. You can’t log on whenever you feel like it, and expect customers to be waiting for you. Give yourself a set number of hours to work each week.
2. Make a schedule
One of the best parts about being an online sex worker is that you get to choose your hours. Being a part-time online sex worker comes with the same benefit — choosing your hours — but, just like with full-time work, you need to choose a schedule.
Once you’ve set your online schedule, plan around it. Whether you’re balancing school, another job or family, consistency is key. Most importantly, if you’re consistent, even if your hours online are fewer, you’ll be more accessible to customers. If you don’t know your schedule, how will they?
3. Breaks are important, too!
We often hear about people spending too little time on cam, but some people might fall on the other end of the spectrum and try to work too much. You can spend too much time online, especially if you are balancing part-time work with some other sort of full-time vanilla gig.
If you are online 80 hours a week, you are going to run the risk of buying out. Similarly, if you have a lot on your plate — say full-time school and 30ish hours a week on cam — you are also going to run the risk of burning out. The inevitable consequence of trying to do too much is that, at some point, you’re going to crash — and it’s not going to be pretty.
Give yourself days off, and commit to your “me time” just as much as you commit to everything else. This will help you stay balanced, which will ultimately help you achieve whatever goals you’re part-time cam work is helping you strive for.
4. Set goals for yourself
Speaking of goals, it’s important to set goals periodically to keep yourself motivated.
According to, “goals big and small can be the stepping-stones to a happier life, and the way we set them can make a difference to achieving them.” Further, “having goals, whether big or small, is part of what makes life good. It gives us a sense of meaning and purpose, points us in the direction we want to go and gets us interested and engaged, all of which are good for our overall happiness.”
Having goals associated with your work is no different. You can set financial goals and give yourself a range of how much you want to make in a given week. Or, you could decide how much content you want to release in a given period of time. The possibilities for goal setting are endless!
Just remember that goals are simply guidelines. They are there to keep the ball rolling. If you don’t make your goal one week, you can try again the next week.
Whether you’re just entering the beautiful and sexy world of cam modeling or you’re just trying to dial back your hours, part-time work is a viable options. We hope these tips help you find a balance that works for you.
Use that moonlight to help get you to where ever you wanna be!
Ariane Torres is a writer who says funny things on occasion. Email her at and find her on Twitter at @tofulumpia.
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels.