Unless you’re a straight up beginner to marketing you’re most likely familiar with the term – Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO, a fancy term for increasing the visibility of your content in a search engine’s results, is easily understood, but improving it is a whole other beast.
Many, daunted by how hard SEO is to implement, will skip learning anything about it and just hire an expert who will do some fancy manipulating of keywords, backlinks, and other confusing buzzwords. If getting it off your plate is your MO, a simple Google search will unearth a ton of specialists who will be happy to help you for a nice fee.
However, if you’re interested in learning a little bit about how to do the process on your own, you can enjoy some positive results without too much effort by tackling your Twitter SEO.
Why Twitter?
Google has a close relationship with the platform, and when you improve the SEO there it not only helps your posts get more views, but it can also “boost your search rankings off the platform,” as explained by Hootsuite. How may you ask? Neil Schaffer, founder of the digital marketing consultancy, PDCA Social explained the Twitter/Google relationship:
“Many people see Twitter and Google as two separate entities that have nothing to do with one another, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Back in 2015, the two companies formed a partnership that changed the way SEO works.
With this relationship, Google has access to the Twitter stream, and it now indexes the tweets in search results. Google doesn’t index every tweet, so it’s important to understand how your brand can show up in the results, especially if you want more recognition.
What did Google get out of doing this? The search engine wants to provide real-time information to users because nobody wants news from four hours ago. With access to what’s happening on Twitter, Google remains one of the top sources to find information.”
Great, so now that we know the link between the two, let’s get cracking on some ideas to improve your Twitter SEO!
According to Hootsuite, one of the main things you can do to get a leg up is to hashtag correctly and “tap into trending” conversations. If you’re confused at what “correctly means” head over to this Twitter page to get the down-low.
Other ways to get your content on the radar is to make sure it’s top notch.
Hootsuite states that Google considers quality content to be posts that are written with “authority, expertise, and trustworthiness.” More tips from Hootsuite include “taking advantage of Twitter threads,” “talking about relevant topics,” “engaging with other users on the platform,” and using “alt text” for images which helps those who are blind or have low vision.
SEO is a complicated series of steps to drive traffic to your sites and posts, but there are things you can do to improve it that don’t require a degree in software engineering. So, dig in and try a few of these Twitter tips to see if you can get some results on your own before ponying up the cash to get an expert on board.
Photo credit: iStock.com/hapabapa
Alyssa Collins hails from Minnesota, where snowy days were the perfect excuse to stay warm inside and write. Over the years, she turned that joy into a career and has authored numerous articles for various publications (under pen names). Email Alyssa via alyssa@ynot.com.