Part 2 of this series ended with advice that the best way to accomplish anything in life is to think and act like a person who has already achieved their intentions.
Sit down, and think a bit about how you would behave, if you already had what you want – again, using the example of wanting a job that pays $20,000 more per year. If you were already making $20,000 more, what did that version of you do differently than your current version? What would you typically do on a daily basis? Write down what that version of “you” would do.
Here’s an example that someone might write:
“The me making $20,000 more per year knows that there are many jobs available for someone with my skillset. Finding this better paying job was no more difficult than figuring out what to have for breakfast on any given day. This version of me updated their resume and instead of spending hours every day wasting time on mindless activities like social media and/or watching TV, used those formerly wasted hours to improve their skillset and knowledge by reading books that pertain to their industry and/or took classes to become better trained, and therefore more desirable to employers. This version of me was so successful at improving her/his skills that she/he got a promotion at her/his new job by the end of the year.”
Look what you wrote for the “new” version of you, and start to adopt those behaviors in your daily life for whatever it is you want to accomplish.
Some of you may find these writing exercises silly or a waste of time, but there’s an old adage, “Act like a success become successful.” Many psychologists tell people, “Fake it till you make it.” Anything we accomplish or not accomplish all starts in our mind.
Keep in mind that the definition of insanity is: “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”
If you want to achieve great things so you can uplevel your life in 2023, then you need to do things differently than you have done in the past.
Do the writing exercises discussed in these articles and when done, keep the momentum going by keeping a daily journal where you talk about how thankful and appreciative you are for everything in your life, but with a small twist: Write about the life you want (in the present tense) and not the life you are living. Write in a positive way about your life, and over time you will see more and more positive things happening to you and for you.
Writing about your perfect life will help keep you focused on seeing all the good in your life, which in turn will help you to achieve your resolutions for 2023.
Second image by Gerd Altmann from Pexels.
Gabriella Vita is from Las Vegas, NV and has been writing for over ten years under multiple pen names. She believes variety is the spice of life, which is why she enjoys writing on a plethora of subjects. Email her at