If you have any doubts that we’re cruising into a new year, all you have to do is check in with your body.
If it’s like mine, it’s probably giving you the not so gentle reminder that 2022 is indeed over because your bloated belly tells you so. It’s begging you to detox from all the bad stuff you consumed which makes January as usual, the suckiest, most unfun month of the year.
If you’re one of those hardcore people who ate and drank healthy all through December, then I hate you. Okay, I lied I don’t. I’m jealous. You’re bringing a clean body into the month of January, lucky you! But hey the new year is all about resetting – so for the rest of us who abused our bods, one, two, three… reset!
To get started, it’s easy to focus on eating healthier and exercising to get back on track – that’s a given.
But what’s often overlooked is hydration.
A lot of us really laid off the water during the holiday season in lieu of alcohol and/or sugared drinks and coffees. Whatever your poison was, it’s time to flush it out with some good old-fashioned H2O. Which brings me to the question – what are the differences between mineral, sparkling, tap, and bottled water?
Here’s what I discovered:
First off, bottled water does not mean better.
The cheap stuff you get out of your faucet is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency and could be safer or just as safe as that bottle of Evian you’ve splurged on. In addition, in blind taste tests most people can’t tell the difference between bottled and tap as reported on by Healthline. So, save your cash.
Also the environment will thank you if you stop with the bottles because all that plastic is wreaking havoc in landfills (less than 30% of all plastic bottles are recycled).
Next up, if you want carbonated water, you’ll want to go with mineral instead of sparkling.
As reported on by Medical News Today, mineral water has many perks including being a source of magnesium, lowering blood pressure, regulating blood circulation and strengthening bones. If you’re balking at drinking water 24/7 period, you can also give yourself a break with some coconut water which is 95% water and is filled with electrolytes – making it a good option when you’re sick of drinking plain old water.
By the way, if you really hate mineral water – I personally think it tastes better but hey to each his own – sparkling water is still hydrating and it’s a good choice, but mineral will give you more bang for your buck.
Cheers to getting through January and back to your healthy bod!
Photo credit: iStock.com/kuppa_rock
Alyssa Collins hails from Minnesota, where snowy days were the perfect excuse to stay warm inside and write. Over the years, she turned that joy into a career and has authored numerous articles for various publications (under pen names). Email Alyssa via alyssa@ynot.com.